Category Archives: balance

Job Hunting

So I’m on the hunt for a new job.  I’m not sure what that perfect job is just yet.  I know, I know, there is no perfect job.  It’s important to find the right fit though, ya know?  I have done lots of things since entering the workforce 20 years ago.  I’ve done the big corporate thing and traveled all over delivering various types of training courses.  I’ve tried my hand in the non-profit world and in smaller businesses.  Marketing was my thing for about 4 years.  And the weird (or maybe sad) thing is I’m pretty decent at all of these things, but I still am not really sure what my “thing” is.  I love nutrition, but I don’t have a nutrition degree.  So should I go back to school?  Ugh.  I’m 35 years old and I’m still clueless about my life!

I have to say that looking for a job is somewhat entertaining though.  I mean it’s annoying, but the titles that these companies come up with for their open positions are VERY VERY funny.  For example, a Nutrition Aide sounds decent, right?  It’s not.  It’s actually a cafeteria lady.  Yep.  And a lot of them include the word Specialist to make it sound more appealing.  It usually turns out to be very un-special however.  Like “Experience Specialist” which is code for talking on the phone all day to upset customers.  Which, yes, would be an experience.  A shitty one.

Michael Pollan who is like THE foodie intellectual today said (when talking about how to eat), “Eat food.  Not too much of it.”  And I think that same type of thinking should apply to working.  Work hard.  Not too much.  I mean that seems like a  good plan.  Find something you love and do it, but not so much that you end up hating it.  Not so much that you don’t do anything else.  I know that may sound like a very liberal view to my fellow Americans since we live in a country that is all about working lots of hours.  People are so proud to be like, “I’m so busy!  I’ve been working like 60 hours a week.”  That is so sad to me and not even remotely impressive.  I like the guy or gal that works smart and has figured out a way to live with less so they don’t have to devote every waking second to earning more money.  Those are the people that impress the shit out of me.

So, the job hunt will continue.  I’m sure I’ll find something.  And one day I hope to be doing something that I really love and impressing the pants off of every single one of you.  Bam!